Version: 1.0

Data as a Service

Access Alliance Program key performance metrics.
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U.S. Bank’s Data as a Service API allows Alliance partners direct access to a variety of key sales and marketing performance indicators, agent and banker participation metrics and customer demographics. Data as a Service helps partners measure various aspects of program performance.


Offer data

Derive key performance metrics on direct marketing and prescreen offer campaigns with data from the Offer Metric Service. Individual offers can be tracked as they progress to invitations, applications and accounts.

Invitation data

Extract invitation lifecycle, status and performance metrics with data from the Invitation Metric Service. Gain key insights into banker and agent sales engagement activities, methods of invitation conveyance and customer response rates, methods and times.

Application data

Determine lifecycle, status and performance metrics on applications started by customers, bankers and agents with the Application Metric Service. Gain insights across all banking channels on campaign and offer information such as:

  • Demographics
  • Methods of application
  • Application milestones
  • Product types
  • Relationships to offers
  • Invitations
  • Campaigns and promotions
  • Banker and agent association

Account data

Obtain lifecycle and status metrics on Alliance accounts, banker performance and incentive tracking with data from the Account Metric Service. Gain insights into funnel performance as offers and invitations lead to applications and eventually accounts.


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Example use case

Metric dashboard

A company uses the U.S. Bank Alliance Partner program to provide banking services to their customers, employees or students. Using the Data as a Service API, the partner maintains a local data snapshot and builds a reporting dashboard that presents key metrics about offers, invitations, applications, and accounts. Additionally, reports can be generated to help gain insights into agent/banker participation, customer preferences, marketing tactics, sales volume and channel preferences.

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